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10 Ways To Stop Google From Changing Your Page Titles 2016

Hey Guys! You might have seen the annoying habit of Google to rewrite your <Title> tags in Search results. This algorithm has effected publishers from all platforms. All BlogSpot and WordPress blogs have their page titles replaced with different keywords. Sometimes Google could even add your homepage URL to the end of a title tag. Just recently we observed the Home Title of our blog modified completely inside Mobile search results. This really annoyed us and we dig down to make some changes to our blog template to reduce the chances of an automatic title change. Out of many options, 4 of our tested experiments and 6 proposed by Google have remarkably improved our search appearance and really helped in displaying the original page titles in search results that we used for our blog posts.  The SEO configurations below are not limited to Blogger blogs and can be easily applied to any website you are running with slight modifications. Today's post will prove that you are responsible for 70% of the times your Title tags look different in Search results and the remaining 30% of the times, its Google who can be blamed.

Let Discuss it below:

Following are some possible tips recommended by Google (1-6) and us (6-10) that you must follow in order to write high quality titles to make sure your webpage titles are not modified by search robots.

1.Every Page Must contain a <title> tag

I am sure even a newbie publisher would know that but I can still see thousands of pages with no title tag inside the document head. Most people think using <h1> tag is enough but that is not true. Title tag defines your primary title and is a must to use.

2.Titles Should be Descriptive

Like in the video above Matt recommend that instead of writing vague descriptors likeStarbucks Homepage they could avoid using homepage and instead utilize a more better keyword like Coffee. If you search Starbucks website today you would see they have now applied this tip:

Incorrect Title:
My Blogging School - Homepage
Correct Title:
My Blogging School

3.Avoid Keyword Stuffing
Avoid using repeated keywords or using phrases multiple times. Keyword stuffing is spam and is a serious SEO sin. A title like "Flash Disk, USB Disk, USB, USB Drive" doesn't help the user. Do you really think, someone can fool search engines with such black hat SEO techniques in 2016? Of course such titles deserve to be regenerated automatically by Google itself.

4.Avoid Repeated or Boilerplate Titles

Comma separated information ("boilerplate" titles) are also bad because they contain a lot of uninformative text. Just simply use your brand name as the homepage title or add a meaningful phrase but not comma separated keywords for God sake! If you do so, Google will be forced to rewrite your title tag or even consider you as keyword spammer.
Incorrect Title:
MY Blogging School - Find Templates, Widgets, Plugins, SEO Tips etc.
Correct Titles:
MY Blogging School - Start a blog!
MY Blogging School - Your Guide to Blogging
MY Blogging School - Your Blogging Guru
or simply the brand name itself if it is descriptive:
MY Blogging School
5.Brand your site title But not on every page

You can create a homepage title like "Brand: Some 2-3 words Tag line". Show such descriptive title only on homepage but don't add it in every blog post. Adding up your brand name in every webpage also does not makes sense. It hurts readability and forces google to either truncate that long title or regenerate a new concise title for you.
Incorrect Post Title:
10 Ways To Stop Google From Changing Your Page Titles - My Blogging School
Correct Post Title:
10 Ways To Stop Google From Changing Your Page Titles
6. Back-links-Help Generate Titles for private sites 

Even if you have noindexed your site, Google can still access it from your backlinks and generate titles for your blog based on the anchor text. If you don't want to appear in search then use the meta tag to noindex your content and not the robots.txt file.

7.Title Too Short

Google typically displays the first 55-60 characters of a title tag which includes spaces, commas and everything in between.  But if your title is extremely short (less than 15 ) then Google will concatenate your Homepage title with it or your URL or regenerate a completely new title.
Your About/Contact/Sitemap/Advertise pages can surely contain short titles and even if Google adds up your homepage title next to it then it wont be much of the problem but you would really not like Google to start treating your blog posts or articles like this! So make sure your Content pages where you post articles must have a descriptive title with a character count of no more than 60 characters.

Note: You can use our Character Counter tool for this purpose
Incorrect Post Title - Too Short:
Google Changes Titles
Correct Title:
10 Ways To Stop Google From Changing Your Page Titles

8.Avoid adding Blog titles in every page
In custom Blogger templates most designers due to insufficient SEO technical skills, often add blog title next to every Page on your blog which includes the Posts and Static Pages.
Your main website title can be added in every page only if your Domain name is short and precise i.e One word domain names. But if your domain consists of 2-4 keywords then it is recommend that you avoid adding it on every single page.
Since our domain name consists of 2 keywords i.e. "My Blogger Tricks" which is self explanatory therefore we have not added it to the title tag of posts, which thus stops the post title from looking too long in search results over 60 Characters.
To optimize your Blogspot Titles, follow these steps:
1. Go To Blogger Dashboard>> Template.
2. Click Edit HTML and search for this code or similar to this:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'> 
<data:blog.pageName/> - <data:blog.title/>

 Replace the above code with this optimize Title tag code

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'> 

5.Now Just Save your template and you are free from worries.

9.Next or Previous text displayed In your titles

This is yet another SEO mistake done by most bloggers and I will write a complete new post on this issue to help you fix it. The post will be published shortly this week. I will update this point shortly.

10.Stop Google from changing your homepage title

If one of your pages happens to receive most of the traffic, Google could consider the keywords inside that post and some others to coin up a new name for your website or blog! Google completely changed our home title to "Blogger Widgets" in mobile devices just recently which really annoyed us. Upon searching we explored an easy fix which uses JSON to tell Google "Do not mess with my title!" This fix can be applied only to homepage.
This interesting trick will be shared this week and details will be added in this section. Stay tuned for the updates. I will update this point shortly.

I hope that after reading this article you come to know about ways to stop Google changing your page titles.If you like this article share it on social media to help other blogger brothers.
Let me know you if you have any problem regarding to this article.If you have any problem you can comment me in comment box.Thanks for reading this article.Stay tuned for more articles.

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